Street Art – Angel City Brewery

The Angel City Brewery in Downtown is great place to spot street art. The whole building is covered and it evolves every day. A while back, I went on a photo safari to take in all the art. I’ll add in as many of the artists as I can but have a look…

this is wrdsmth:

street art - wrdsmth

Not sure who this is but I like what it says!

There are a few in here I don’t know but that skull belongs to this guy

MegZany is all about empowering her fellow ladies – I love this mermaid in a vending machine.

Crisp is all about the sculptures on the wall… Guess what this one is about…

Can’t find Vixx online but their portraits are all over downtown:

This portrait was EVERY WHERE for awhile by DRSC0:

This is painted on a plane segment. It’s by starfighta and she does some AMAZING work!

And my absolute favorite:

Get on over there to see the newest pieces.

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