Biking In Other Countries

Holly from one of may favorites sites, Decor8, is moving to Germany and posted a piece about the differences between Europe and American cycle culture.

I love biking. Husband and I AGES ago stopped driving.

LA is not the most friendly place to ride a bike, but it’s better than Texas. Lee was hit 5 or 6 times by cars in Texas, been threatened with physical violence by drunk frat boys in Texas, and just generally abused by non cyclists there.

Japan – oh biking there was SUCH a pleasure! on the sidewalk, you were treated like a pedestrian by other people and on the road you were treated just like any other vehicle.

Europe – it seems like most of my friends there ride a bike and I am forever looking at Copenhagen Cycle Chic

AND, LOOK – while I was poking about, I found MORE cycle chic sites:

Los Angeles Cycle Chic

Hungarian Cycle Chic

Romanian Cycle Chic

Phoenix Cycle Chic

I’ve fixed up my bike in the last few months and here is the latest image:

bicycle with new parts

She has a new Chris King Headset, new wheels, new shifters, new brakes and brake levers, and tons of other stuff. Almost all the new parts are american made. The head set is part of Chris King’s Pretty and Strong line which donates a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer research. WOOHOO! I get to put my bike nerdiness to a good cause.

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