Cities, Bicycles, and the Future of Getting Around

Friday night, Husband and I went to see David Byrne talk about one of our favorite things – Bicycles.

The event was held at the Aratani Theater in Little Tokyo. It was AMAZING to see so many people who were cyclists or intersted in urban commuting all in one place. So many enthusiastic folks packed into a theater.

Clipped from the ALOUD site:

Cities, Bicycles, and the Future of Getting Around, An Evening with: David Byrne, artist/musician, and special guests Jimmy Lizama, Michelle Mowery & Donald Shoup

The talks each guest gave were really interesting, David Byrne spoke about the differences in bike commuting around the world. Donald Shoup spoke about the urban landscape and parking. Michelle Mowery spoke on the Bike Plan for LA and working with the cities to get bikes as part of the transportation plan. Jimmy Lizama from the Bicycle Kitchen spoke about the epiphany that came with riding the first time and how it shaped his life in and love of Los Angeles.

LA Bike Coalition had a free Bike Valet service at the event. which was quite excellent.

bicycle valet

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