Girling: more hair goodness

I talked about what happened with my hair after I got out of the hospital, but not posted an update in awhile. I’m probably the only one who cares, and my husband is sooooo tired of me talking about it that I need to share somewhere.


Man, has this been a journey, or what? I started out losing my hair, then getting some wigs and growing it back out. Now, my hair is pretty much exactly like I want it. As a reminder, the wig I was trying to match:

And here is where I’ve landed:

It isn’t quite as grey as the wig but this is as light as my hair will go with out falling out and well, some of it still fell out. It came out a lovely pale cream that I am totally in love with.

apologies for the funky, no make up, face but I’m really happy with the style finally like I wanted. It just needs to grow a TINY bit more – I like my locks just past the shoulders. I could not have done it with out the help of my fabulous hair dresser, Athena.

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