Vegan Map of Los Angeles

One of my challenges when mom and dad came to visit was their diet – they are hardcore, no bullshit, vegans. (though side note – they are not vegan for all the ethical reasons, they follow the Esselstyn diet) So in an effort to make sure that I did not have to spend forever trying to find a place to eat, I made a map of all the vegan restaurants my friends recommended. I also made note of everyplace that sold the Impossible Burger, in case we got stuck somewhere weird.

Vegan Map of Los Angeles

As you can see it covers much of the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. I ended up being very lucky and Mom & Dad totally LOVED The Counter and Farmer Boys. The Insufferable Vegan has a great post about Farmer Boys Vegan fare on their site . I highly recommend taking a quick glimpse at their posts. The Counter and Farmer Boys saved us more than a few times on my parent’s visit – good food, not horribly expensive and quick to grab a bite at.

One of our surprise restaurant finds was Umami Burger in Hollywood. It was late, we were hungry and I knew that they served the Impossible Burger so we could probably find some food for the Parents there. We were able to get a seat quickly, even though the place was pretty busy. Only problem…the music was REALLY loud. My mom is hearing impaired – we always have tough time finding a place that isn’t too loud. If the ambient noise is too high, she can’t hear the conversation, even with her hearing aids. I very politely told the host the situation and asked VERY nicely if they could turn it down a tad…. AND THEY DID! Phew – no drama.

More luck, when my parents started ordering, our server noted what they were removing and asked if they were vegan. Because, of course -it’s LA, she was vegan too. Could not have had a better experience at a local restaurant for them,

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