Want your hair back? This is what worked for me.

As you can see in my previous posts, I was distraught when my hair started falling out. Once I started wearing wigs, it became clear what hair style I was shooting for but the growing out part was a pain.

Lucky for me, a friend recommended a stylist that specialized in the work I wanted to have done in the long run. As even more luck would have it, she also turned out to know quite a bit about growing your hair back, after helping many clients in the past.

Here is my first hair cut:

1st hair cut after it starts to grow back

The trick that worked for me, was Nioxin. As soon as I started treating my hair and scalp, my hair grew like a weed! By August, I had enough of my hair grown out that I felt comfortable going back to work with out a wig! Friends, that was four months after I went back to work. Four months.

Nioxin is amazing stuff! I didn’t even go hard core on the treatment. I started with the level 1 set for normal to thin looking hair. I would NEVER guarantee that their products work for everyone but I was very impressed with how it worked for me.

Hair before:

Hair after using Nioxin:

I let my hair grow and used Nioxin religiously and after a few months, my hair was really ready to come out from under the wigs in public.

Here’s a fun shot from just before I had my reveal hair cut. You can see what was my original hair and what is the new growth

This is my first hair do I really wore out with out a wig to cover my head:

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