Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation – Anime Fangirling!

mushoku tensei characters as children running through a field

There are way too many Isekai anime series. Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation is the one of the only ones I will watch religiously. If you aren’t familiar with the term, The Japan Times has a great article about the genre. Essentially, the main character dies and wakes up in an alternate universe. The new universe is generally themed around what ever the original character loved.

The Plot

The story, at a high level, is the pretty simple but really well written. I, personally, fell in love the characters. The characters are pretty complicated people. When you add the reincarnation aspect, the story ends up significantly more interesting than other isekai.

The anime series is now playing on Crunchy Roll. So far there are only two seasons of the show but it looks like there is another season coming however, there aren’t any dates available.

The Origin of Mushoku Tensei

The original story began as a light novel published online on the site Shōsetsuka ni Narō in 2012. It transformed into a manga series a couple of years later in 2014. The series is insanely popular and has sold millions of copies globally.

I’ve not read the manga or the light novels, I usually stick just to the anime unless I really like it, like 86.

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