A Very Merry Not Dead Day To Me!

Seven years not dead! WOO HOO! I almost died in December 2017 and every year is extra bonus round for me. Here is a link to last year’s recap. 2023 has been an interesting year, to say the least….

I played Hogwarts Legacy for WAAAYYY too long and finished the initial story line with the Death Eaters expansion pack which added some extra fun. My short review is that the game play was fun, but the flying mechanics were TERRIBLE.

I left the company I was working with back in July and have been working on improving my skills since as well as working to get our company in Japan off the ground. Yes, you read that right. We started a company in Japan. A lot more will be coming up on that soon…

We worked to clean up our neighborhood but its a losing battle with the city. Our block went to hell during Covid. We did everything we can. Called our city council representative, reported absolutely everything to all the proper authorities but nothing is fixed after years of work. Our street lights are all broken and we can’t move the tents in front of our office without a huge amount of drama. It is frustrating.

I read a lot in 2023! I read the first 5 books of the Dresden Files stories and all 12 of the Eighty-Six light novels. All good books! I also reread many of Douglas Adam’s stories.

I watched a lot of anime and TV as well. One Piece both Live Action and Anime are up to date. the last season of The Witcher was great but since Henry Cavill isn’t in it anymore, I probably won’t watch the following seasons. I also love Freiren: Beyond Journey’s End! It is sooo good. I didn’t think I’d like it based on the thumbnails and descriptions but Lee saw a review and suggested it.

I also started learning Japanese again. During Covid, I realized that I needed more in person learning to stay motivated. The way schools teach the language makes it difficult to for the content to stick with me. Doulingo has a free, with ads, version so I decided to give it a try. I did pretty well!

Instagram had a lot of my attention and I posted more in 2023 but 2 of my top 9 were from the homeless problems we see everyday, mainly the fires.

I made a bunch of crochet things that I keep meaning to post here, but haven’t had the time to write up the patterns and share. Before the projects are posted, I should take better photos. I designed a big wrap for cold weather and made a baby blanket for one of my former co-workers.

We went to Washington DC for Otakon, to meet up with some people, which also just so happened to line up with my birthday. We went a couple of days early so we could explore a few of the sights. Husband has been to DC many times, but I have only been the once. We walked all over and went to the Smithsonian and the Air and Space museum. SO AWESOME.

How was your 2023?

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