Leggings! I finally made a pair

I have been working out a lot over the last couple of years, and my favorite work out attire is close to giving out. The situation needed a remedy and I did with some new “me made” leggings. I used this tutorial from SoSewEasy.com to make my muslin.

The pattern is not so much a pattern as a recipe to make your own pattern. You take a ton of measurements – the same measurements you need for any pants patterns. Check out the detailed video:

I had my measurements taken and entered in about half an hour. After you’ve taken the measurements, enter them all in the excel. I used a very slight, negative ease to get the leggings a slim fit.

The excel file makes creating the pattern piece really simple and quick – it took another half hour to get the first draft done. I used heavy brown paper to make the pattern as you can see here:

pattern cut out of leggings
leggings pinned

My fabric for the first draft pair was a mistake. Its too thin and too lightly colored. The Arabesque pattern is lovely but was not optimal as it was super hard to match up, so ended up slightly shifted and twisted on me. My fault for not lining things up correctly.

This pair is perfectly serviceable for “at home” work outs but not for anything outside of my base. The pattern fit really well as I expected it would. I have very little junk in my trunk so the back rise is almost impossible to differentiate from the front. I ended up adding a janky tag to the back to make sure I got them on correctly every time.

tag for leggings

See my hand through the fabric in that photo? *blush*

All in all, a super quick project and once I make it to the fabric store again, I will make another set!

The photo above makes the fabric pattern shift really obvious.

Have you tried the SoSewEasy “recipe” for leggings? What did you think?