street art cache dtla parking lot

Cache – street art

I’ve written many times about my love of chicken art on other sites but my local LA favorite is Cache. His work never fails to make me smile so I thought I’d share a few of my recent favorite pieces of street art. 

monket House toys

Monkey House Toys and Cache on Bikes

Yesterday was a such a lovely day! Husband I decided to roam about the neighborhood on our bikes. We ended up biking 12 miles. We went to check out the Bicycle Kitchen an some of the other businesses near it and ended up at an art show. In case you aren't familiar with them, the Bicycle Kitchen is a non-profit organization … Continue reading Monkey House Toys and Cache on Bikes

Bikes, Politics and Art

I've never been very politically active, but all the sudden this year - I'm going to events and buying art and actually giving a politician money. I'm voting Obama. I love the fact that the Obama campaign is asking artists to create unique posters as a fund raiser. I bought the Scott Hanson (ISO50) Progress … Continue reading Bikes, Politics and Art